Prof. Meydani Assaf
פרופ׳ מידני אסף

Prof. Assaf Meydani, Full Professor, is the Dean of the School of Government and Society at the Academic College of Tel Aviv, Yaffo, Israel. He serves as the President of the Israeli Political Science Association; Member of the Public Committee for funding Political Parties, Knesset, Israel; and chairman of the Israel Government Tourist Corporation.
His research interests include public policy, politics and law, and political economy.
Prof. Meydani has been a Visiting Scholar at the Center for New Institutional Science at Washington University in St Louis, Missouri; the Institute of Management, Innovation, and Organization at the University of California, Berkeley; at the Centre for the Study of Judicial Institutions & the Centre for Public Policy Analysis at the Department of Political Science University of Bologna, Italy and at the Center for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford.
He is the author of several books among them The Anatomy of Human Rights in Israel, Constitutional Rhetoric and State Practice (Cambridge University Press, 2014, Winner of the 2015 best book Award, Ispsa); The Israeli Supreme Court and the Human Rights Revolution, Courts as Agenda Setters (Cambridge University Press, 2011) and Political Transformations and Political Entrepreneurs: Israel in Comparative Perspective (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009).
His articles have appeared in journals such as Israel Studies, Israel Law Review, Policy and Society, Constitutional Political Economy, Rationality and Society, Land Use Policy, Contemporary Security Policy, International Journal of Law in Context, International Journal of Public Administration and in the Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law (MPECCoL).
A lawyer, he has served in several public policy positions, such as, a member of the Information Delegation during the Camp David negotiations in the year 2000; member of the Committee for the enactment of Basic Law: Local Government (ULAI 2012); Prof. Meydani was an advisor to the National Commission for the Examination of the Structure of Government in Israel and Advisor to the Committee for the Appointment of Senior Advanced Policy Positions in the Public Service; He was a member of the steering committee, Haredi integration program in higher education, on behalf of the Israeli Council for Higher Education & The Planning and Budgeting Committee (PBC); member of the political science committee on behalf of the Academy of the Hebrew Language in Israel; Editorial board member of the journal: World Political Science on behalf of IPSA- the International Political Science Association and member of the editorial board of ITON 77- literary & poetry magazine.
Training in public administration | Government and Society – B.A. |
Political Entrepreneurship | Government and Society – B.A. |
Law and Politics | Government and Society – B.A. |
Local Government in Israel | Government and Society – B.A. |
Introduction to Government and Public Policy | Government and Society – B.A. |
Human Rights in Israel | Government and Society – B.A. |