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Prof. Goldzweig Gil

פרופ׳ גולדצויג גיל

Prof. Goldzweig Gil
Issues in family research
The M.A. Program in Family Studies
Psychopathology A
Behavioral Sciences – B.A.
Psychopathology B
Behavioral Sciences – B.A.
Supervised Fieldwork
Behavioral Sciences – B.A.
Supervised Fieldwork
Behavioral Sciences – B.A.
Psychology field experience: mentoring children and adolescents in the community
Behavioral Sciences – B.A.
Psychology field experience: mentoring children and adolescents in the community
Behavioral Sciences – B.A.
Children at emergency: readiness and coping
Behavioral Sciences – B.A.
Research workshop
Psychology –M.A.
Final Term Seminar
Psychology –M.A.
Research workshop
Psychology –M.A.
Final Term Seminar
Psychology –M.A.
Introduction to children and adolescents psychotherapy
Psychology –M.A.
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