School of Computer Science
The MTA School of Computer Science is one of the most prestigious in Israel. Its faculty are leaders in groundbreaking research, while its innovative alumni account for some 10% of the professional workforce in Israel's booming high-tech sector, with many in leadership roles.

Prof. Dalit Naor
Prof. Dalit Naor holds a BSc. from the Technion, a Ph.D and an MS.C from the University of Californian at Davis, and was a postdoc at Stanford and Tel-Aviv University. She joined as the Dean of the School of Computer after spending many years at IBM Research. Dalit held numerous positions at IBM Research, being a senior technical staff member and an experienced senior manager. Dalit is the inventor of 17 patents, co-author of standards, and the author of 37 academic papers and a book chapter. She is an expert in Cloud platforms and Storage systems, and worked extensively with cloud object stores to support efficient big data analytics. Prior to working with Cloud and Storage Dalit co-invented, developed and deployed CPRM/CPPM, a technology for Content Protection for Recordable Media and Pre-Recorded Media for DVDs, protecting against illegal copying of content. During her postdoc, Dalit specialized in Bioinformatics.
In her current role as the Dean, Dalit will strengthen the ties of the school with the vibrant hi-tech ecosystem in Israel, while ensuring excellence and relevance of our academic program, making our school a leading program in Computer Science in Israel.
B.Sc. in Computer Science
with specializations in:
Data Science
Communication and Internet
Software and Systems Engineering
Head of Program: Dr. Romina Zigdon
The undergraduate degree in Computer Science provides an excellent, in-depth foundation in all relevant areas of computer science, along with practical know-how in the most advanced directions. The mission of the program is to prepare its graduates for a career in a variety of occupations offered by the high-tech industry, and for postgraduate studies for research. Along with areas such as software, theory & mathematics, systems, data science and AI, it integrates cooperation with the industry and keeps up with the rapidly evolving computer science field. The excellence and relevance of our academic program makes our school a leading program in Computer Science in Israel.
M.Sc in Computer Science
(with a Research or a Final Thesis)
Head of Program: Dr. Ella Rabinovich
The program broadens and deepens students’ theoretical and practical knowledge with the most updated scientific and technological developments in computer science. The program combines advanced courses in computer science/data science, together with an opportunity to conduct research exploration. Working under the supervision of our research faculty, students can either choose to work on a research thesis topic, or a final project. The program is designed to support students who want to combine their Masters studies while working in the industry.
Contact Us
For further information, please contact
Prof. Vered Holzmann, Director of Research, Development & Innovation
The Academic College of Tel Aviv Yaffo
Desk: +972-3-6802722 Mobile: +972-544-274568
Email: veredhz@mta.ac.il
Roni Shefner, Manager, International Office
Desk: +972-74-7275525 Mobile: +972-52-8990603
Deena Mesika, Coordinator of International Academic Relations
Desk: +972-3-6802556 Mobile:+972-533-372828
Email: international@mta.ac.il