Dr. Bursztein Lipsicas Cendrine
Fields of Research

School of Behavioral Sciences

· Suicide in the young
· Prevention of mental illness and suicide
· Risk factors for suicide
· Immigration and suicide
· Multi-culture and suicide
· Community Psychology
· LGBTQ+ mental health and suicide
Short Bio
Cendrine Bursztein Lipsicas is a Clinical Psychologist. She completed her BA in Psychology & Sociology and Anthropology at Haifa University, her MA in Child Clinical Psychology at Tel-Aviv University. Cendrine Completed her Ph.D at the National Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention of Mental Ill-Health (NASP), Karolinska Institute, in Stockholm with a full scholarship through KID-Funding. She then continued her training with Post-Doctoral work at the Department of Community Mental Health, University of Haifa. Cendrine integrates in her work her clinical orientation with other domains such as epidemiology, public health and community psychology. Cendrine joined the school of Psychology at the Academic College of Tel-Aviv Yaffo in 2019.
Selected Publications
1. Bursztein Lipsicas, C., Hamdan, S., & Gal, G. (2022). Emotional distress, suicidal behavior, and help-seeking among transgender and gender diverse people in Israel. Transgender Health (under review).
2. Bursztein Lipsicas, C., Levav, I., & Levine, S. Z. (2017). Holocaust exposure and subsequent suicide risk: a population-based study. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 52(3), 311-317.
3. Zalsman, G., K. Hawton, D. Wasserman, K. van Heeringen, E. Arensman, M. Sarchiapone, V. Carli, C. Hoschl, R. Barzilay, J. Balazs, G. Purebl, J. P. Kahn, P. A. Saiz, C. Bursztein Lipsicas, J. Bobes, D. Cozman, U. Hegerl and J. Zohar (2016). "Suicide prevention strategies revisited: 10-year systematic review." Lancet Psychiatry3(7): 646-659.
4. Bursztein Lipsicas, C., I. H. Makinen, D. Wasserman, A. Apter, A. Kerkhof, K. Michel, E. Salander Renberg, K. van Heeringen, A. Varnik and A. Schmidtke (2013). "Gender distribution of suicide attempts among immigrant groups in European countries--an international perspective." Eur J Public Health 23(2): 279-284.
5. Bursztein Lipsicas, C., I. H. Makinen, A. Apter, D. De Leo, A. Kerkhof, J. Lonnqvist, K. Michel, E. Salander Renberg, I. Sayil, A. Schmidtke, C. van Heeringen, A. Varnik and D. Wasserman (2012). "Attempted suicide among immigrants in European countries: an international perspective." Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 47(2): 241-251.
6. Wasserman, D., V. Carli, C. Wasserman, A. Apter, J. Balazs, J. Bobes, R. Bracale, R. Brunner, C. Bursztein-Lipsicas, P. Corcoran, D. Cosman, T. Durkee, D. Feldman, J. Gadoros, F. Guillemin, C. Haring, J. P. Kahn, M. Kaess, H. Keeley, D. Marusic, B. Nemes, V. Postuvan, S. Reiter-Theil, F. Resch, P. Saiz, M. Sarchiapone, M. Sisask, A. Varnik and C. W. Hoven (2010). "Saving and empowering young lives in Europe (SEYLE): a randomized controlled trial." BMC Public Health 10: 192.
7. Bursztein Lipsicas, C. and I. H. Makinen (2010). "Immigration and suicidality in the young." Can J Psychiatry55(5): 274-281.
8. Bursztein, C. and A. Apter (2009). "Adolescent suicide." Curr Opin Psychiatry 22(1): 1-6.