Dr. Gotlibovski Chemi
Fields of Research

School of Management & Economics

Labor Economics including Immigration
Industrial Organization
Short Bio
Dr. Gotlibovski is a senior lecture at the Business and Economic School, The Academic College of Tel Aviv Yaffo. He received his Ph.D in Economics from Tel-Aviv University in 1997. He also received LL.B. from the Academic College of Law (with distinction) and Major in Accounting from Tel Aviv University. His current project focus on role of the spouses in the residential location decisions and the influence of the selected locations on their labor market achievements.
He is teaching mainly the following courses: Introduction to Macroeconomics, Price Theory, Econometrics, Business Laws, Accounting.
Selected Publications
Gotlibovski, C., Yaacobi, N.,(2019)"Should Israel Adopt Differential VAT? – Examining the Expected Implications in View of Theory and International Experience", Israel Economic Review, 16 (2), 97-140.
Buchinsky, M., Gotlibovski, C., Lifshitz, O.,(2014) "Residential Location, Work Location, and Labor Market Outcomes of Immigrants In Israel", Econometrica v82 (3)pages 995-1054.
Ganzach, Y., Gotlibovski, C., (2013), "Intelligence and religiosity: Within families and over time", Intelligence v41.(5), Pages 546-552.
Goldner, S., Gotlibovski, C., Kahana, N., (2009) “The Role of Marriage in Immigrants' Human Capital Investment under Liquidity Constraints,” Journal of Population Economics, Vol. 22(4), 983-1003.
Gotlibovski, C., Kahana, N.,(2009) ”Second-Degree Price Discrimination: A Graphical Approach to Welfare Application,” the Journal of Economic Education, vol. 40(1),68-79.