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Prof. Yoav Ganzach
Fields of Research
Prof. Yoav Ganzach
School of Management & Economics

Short Bio

Prof. Yoav Ganzach is a psychologist who is interested in social and economic behavior. His work focuses on basic psychological processes, such as decision making, knowledge acquisition, and attitude formation, and how those behaviors affect the structure of our society.

Yoav received his B.A. from Tel Aviv University, studied in a masters program at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and received his Ph.D. from Columbia University. He was a faculty member at the Hebrew University for seven years and then at Tel Aviv University for 24 years and at Ariel University for two years, and is now the dean of the school of management and economics at the Academic College of Tel Aviv Yaffo. He has also been a visiting professor at Columbia University, the City University of New York, and the Max Planck Institute. 

Selected Publications

Ganzach, Y. & Zisman, C. (in press). Achievement tests and the importance of intelligence and personality in predicting life outcomes, Intelligence.

Ganzach, Y & Bulmash, B. & Pazy, A. (in press). Top-down versus bottom-up processes in the formation of positive and negative retrospective affect. Cognition and Emotion. 

Ganzach, Y. & Zisman, C. (in press). Occupational Intelligence as a Measure of Occupational Complexity. Personality and Individual Differences

Ganzach, Y. (in press). The effect of the judge's condition on the judgment of others' well-being. Journal of Social Psychology. 

Zissman, C. & Ganzach Y. (2022). The claim that personality is more important than intelligence in predicting important life outcomes has been greatly exaggerated. Intelligence, 9. 

Ganzach, Y. (2022). Individual differences and the relationship between education and religiosity in longitudinal vs cross-sectional studies. International Journal of Psychology, 57(3) 358-362

Ganzach, Y., Bulmash, B (2021). The effect of serial day on the measurement of positivity and emotional complexity in diary studies. European Journal of Social Psychology, 51(7), 1213-1225. 

Ganzach, Y. (2021). Antecedents of interest and the investment of fluid intelligence in the formation of crystalized intelligence. Frontiers in Psychology, 4224 

Ganzach, Y. & Pazy, A. (2021) The Scaling and Modeling of Pay and the Robustness of the Effect of Core Self Evaluations on Career Success. Frontiers is Psychology

Ganzach, Y & Schul, Y. (2021). Partisan ideological attitudes: Liberals are tolerant; the intelligent are intolerant. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology., 120, 1551–1566

Ganzach, Y. (2020). From intelligence to political ideology: Socioeconomic paths. Personality and Individual Differences, 164, 1-11

Zisman, C. & Ganzach Y. (2021). In a representative sample grit has a negligible effect on educational and economic success compared to intelligence. Social Psychological and Personality Science. 12(3), 296-303. (IF=4.5)

Ganzach, Y. Yaor, E. Miron-Shatz, T. & Bulmash, B. & Greenberg, D. (2020) The retrospective independence of positive and nagative affect. Social Cognition. 38(5), 470-488

Ganzach, Y., & Yaor, E. (2019). The retrospective evaluation of positive and negative affect. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 45(1), 93-104. IF =3.0

Ganzach, Y., Hanoch, Y. & Choma, B. (2019). Attitudes toward presidential candidates in the 2012 and 2016 American elections: Cognitive ability and support for Trump. Social Psychological and Personality Science 10(7), 924-934

Ganzach, Y., & Yaor, E. (2019). The retrospective evaluation of positive and negative affect. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 45(1), 93-104.

Patel, P. & Ganzach, Y. (2019). Returns to balance in cognitive skills for the self-employed: Evidence from 18 countries. Small Buisineseeeseeeee Economics, 52(1), 89-109

Ganzach, Y. & Whol, A. (2018). A Behavioral Theory of the Effect of the Risk-Free Rate on the Demand for Risky Assets. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 76, 23-27.

Ganzach, Y. (2018). Intelligence and the rationality of political preferences. Intelligence, 69, 59-70.

Ganzach, Y. & Patel, P. (2018). Wages, mental abilities and assessments in large scale international  surveys: Still not much more than g. Intelligence 69, 1-7.

Dobrow Riza, S., Ganzach Y. & Liu, Y. (2018). Time and Job satisfaction: A longitudinal study of the differential roles of age and tenure. Journal of Management, 44(7), 2558–2579.

Ganzach, Y. & Amar, M. (2017). Ganzach, Y. & Amar, M. (2017). Intelligence and the repayment of high- and low- consequences debt. Personality and Individual Differences, 110, 102-108

Ganzach, Y. (2017). Cognitive ability and party affiliation: The role of the formative years of political socialization. Intelligence, 61, 56-62.

Ganzach, Y. (2016). Cognitive ability and party identity: No important differences between Democrats and Republicans. Intelligence, 58, 18-21.

Stirin, K., Ganzach, Y. and Pazy, A. (2016). On the Positive and Negative Effects of Self-Efficacy on Performance: Reward as a Moderator. Human Performance, 29, 362-372.

Ganzach, Y. (2016). The Effect of Perceived Advantage and Disadvantage on the Variability and Stability of Efficacy Beliefs. Judgment and Decision Making, 11(2), 197-204.

Ganzach, Y. (2016). On General Mental Ability, Digit Span and Spearman's Hypothesis. Learning and Individual Differences, 45, 135-136.

Ganzach, Y. (2016). Another look at the Spearman's hypothesis and relationship between Digit Span and General Mental Ability. Learning and Individual Differences, 45, 128-132.

Ganzach Y., Stirin K., Pazy  A. & Eden D. (2016). The joint effect of expectations and performance on efficacy beliefs. Personality and Individual Differences, 88, 51-56.

Ganzach, Y. & Pazy A. (2015). Cognitive versus non-cognitive individual differences and the dynamics of career success. Applied Psychology, 64(4), 701-726

Ganzach, Y. & Gotlibovski, C. (2014). Individual differences and the relationships between education and religiosity. Learning and Individual Differences, 36, 213-217.

Maaravi, Y., Ganzach, Y. & Pazy, A. (2014). Winning the battle but losing the war: On the drawbacks of using the anchoring tactic in distributive negotiation. Judgment and Decision Making, 9(6), 548-557.

Mark, G., & Ganzach, Y. (2014). Personality and Internet usage: A large-scale representative study of young adults. Computers in Human Behavior, 36, 274-281.

Ganzach, Y. & Pazy, A. (2014). Does Core Self Evaluations predict career success? A reanalysis of Judge and Hurst 2008. Journal of Research in Personality, 48, 107-115.

Ganzach, Y. (2014). Adolescents' Intelligence is related to family income. Personality and Individual Differences, 59, 112-115.

Ganzach, Y., Gotlibovski, C., Greenberg, D. & Pazy, A. (2013). Intelligence and pay: Nonlinear effects, Intelligence, 41, 631-637.

Ganzach, Y. & Gotlibovski, C. (2013). Intelligence and religiosity: Within families and over time. Intelligence 41, 546-552.

Ganzach, Y., Ellis, S., & Gotlibovski, C. (2013). On intelligence education and religious beliefs. Intelligence, 41, 121-128.

Ganzach, Y. & Fried, Y. (2012). The role of intelligence in the formation of well-being: From job rewards to job satisfaction. Intelligence, 40(4), 333-342

Stirin K., Ganzach Y., Pazy  A. & Eden D. (2012). The effect of perceived advantage and disadvantage on performance: The role of external efficacy. Applied Psychology. 61 (1), 81–96.

Ganzach, Y. (2011). A dynamic analysis of the effects of intelligence and socioeconomic background on wages. Intelligence, 39, 120-129.

Maaravi, Y., Ganzach, Y. & Pazy, A. (2011). Negotiation as a form of persuasion: Arguments in first offers. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 101, 245-255.

Maaravi, Y., Pazy, A. & Ganzach, Y. (2011). Pay as much as you can afford:  Counterpart's ability to pay and first offers in negotiation. Judgment and Decision Making, 6, 275–282.

Eden, D., Ganzach, Y. Granat-Flomin,  R. &  Zigman, T. (2010). Augmenting means efficacy to improve performance: Two field experiments. Journal of Management. 36, 687-713.

Ellis, S., Ganzach, Y., Castle, E, & Sekely, G. (2010) The effect of filmed vs. personal after-event reviews on task performance: The mediating and moderating role of self-efficacy. Journal of Applied Psychology. 95, 122-131.

Pazy, A., and Ganzach, Y.  (2010). Predicting commitment: Exchange ideology, the structured interview and perceived organizational support. Applied Psychology, 59(2), 339-359.

Pazy, A. & Ganzach Y. (2009). Pay contingency and the effects of perceived organizational and supervisor support on performance and commitment. Journal of Management, 35, 1007-1025.

Ganzach, Y. (2009). Coherence and Correspondence in the Psychological Analysis of Numerical Predictions: How error-prone heuristics are replaced by ecologically valid heuristics. Judgment and Decision Making. 4, 175-185. 

Ganzach Y., Ellis S., Pazy A. & Ricci-Siag, T. (2008). On the perception and operationalization of risk perception. Judgment and Decision Making, 4, 317-324.

Ganzach, Y. & Leshno, M. (2007). On the appropriateness of appropriateness judgments: The case of interferon treatment for Melanoma. Judgment and Decision Making, 2, 70-78.

Pazy, A., Ganzach, Y. & Davidov, Y. (2006). Decision-Making Training for Occupational Choice and Early Turnover: A Field Experiment. Career Development International, 11, 80-91.

Kluger, A. N., Stephan, E., Ganzach, Y. and Heshkovitz, M. (2004). The effect of regulatory focus on the shape of probability-weighting function: Evidence from a cross-modality matching method. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 95, 20-39.

Kluger, A. and Ganzach, Y. On predicting eminence versus perfection in performance. In G. B. Graen (Editor), LMX Leadership: the Series, Vol. 2, (2004). Information Age Publishing, Inc., Greenwich, CT.

Ganzach, Y. Intelligence, education and facets of job satisfaction (2003). Work and Occupations, 30,  97-122.

Ganzach, Y.,  Pazy, A., Ohayon, Y. and Braynin, E. (2002). Social exchange and organizational commitment: Training for job decision making as an alternative to realistic job preview. Personnel Psychology, 55, 613-637. (also appeared in the Best Papers proceedings of the Academy of Management Meeting, Toronto, 2000).

Ganzach, Y. (2001). Nonlinear models of clinical judgment: Residual communality and individual nonlinearity, Psychological Science, 12, 403-408.

Ganzach, Y. and Pazy, A. (2001). Within occupation sources of variance in incumbent perception of job complexity. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 74, 95-108.

Ganzach, Y., Saporta, I. and Weber, Y. (2000). Interactions in linear versus logistic models: A substantive illustration using the relationship between motivation, ability, and performance. Organizational Research Methods, 3, 237-253.

Ganzach, Y. (2000). The influence of parents’ education and cognitive ability on educational expectations and educational attainment: Interactive effects. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 70, 419-441.

Ganzach, Y. (2000). Judging risk and return of financial assets. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 83, 353-370. 

Ganzach, Y. (2000). The weighing of pathological and non-pathological information in clinical judgment. Acta Pscyhologica, 104, 87-101.

Ganzach, Y., Kluger, A., and Kleiman, N. (2000). Making decisions from an interview: Expert measurement and mechanical combination. Personnel Psychology, 53, 1-20.

Amir, E., and Ganzach, Y. (1998) Overreaction and underreaction in analysts forecast. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 37, 333-347. (Also in Shefrin, H. M., ed. Behavioral Finance. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar). 

Ganzach, Y. (1998). Intelligence and job satisfaction. Academy of Management Journal, 41, 526-539.

Ganzach, Y. (1998). Nonlinear models in decision making: The diagnosis of psychosis versus neurosis from the MMPI. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 74, 53-61. 

Ganzach, Y. (1998)  Nonlinearity, multicollinearity and the probability of type II error in detecting interaction. Journal of Management, 24, 615-622.

Mazursky, D. and Ganzach, Y. (1998). Does involvement moderate time dependent biases in consumer multi-attribute judgment? Journal of Business Research, 41, 95-103.

Ganzach, Y. (1997). Theory and configurality in clinical judgment of expert and novice psychologists. Journal of Applied Psychology, 82, 954-960.

Ganzach, Y. (1997). Configurality in judgment: Is it a bias. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 4,382-386.

Ganzach, Y. (1997). Misleading interaction and curvilinear terms.  Psychological Methods, 3, 235-247.

Ganzach, Y., Weber, Y. and Ben-Or P. (1997). Message framing and buying behavior: The difference between natural and artificial environments. Journal of Business Research, 40, 91-96.

Czaczkes, B., and Ganzach, Y. (1996). The natural selection of prediction heuristics: Anchoring and adjustment vs. representativeness. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 9, 125-140. (Also in Shefrin, H. M., ed. Behavioral Finance. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar).

Ganzach, Y. (1996). Anchoring and adjustment, compatibility, and the better understanding of the preference reversal phenomena. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 9, 112-114.

Ganzach, Y. (1996). Preference reversal in equal probability gambles: A case for anchoring and adjustment. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 9, 95-110. 

Ganzach, Y., and Ben-Or, P. (1996). Information overload, decreasing marginal responsiveness and the estimation of non-monotonic relationships in direct marketing Journal of Direct Marketing, 10, 7-9.

Ganzach, Y. (1995). Nonlinear models of clinical judgment: Meehl's data revisited. Psychological Bulletin, 118, 422-429.

Ganzach, Y. (1995). Positivity (and negativity) in performance evaluation: Three field studies. Journal of Applied Psychology, 80, 491-499.

Ganzach, Y., and Czaczkes, B. (1995). The learning of natural configural strategies. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 63, 195-206. 

Ganzach, Y. and Mazursky, D. (1995). Time dependent biases in consumer multiattribute judgment. Journal of Economic Psychology, 16, 331-349.

Ganzach, Y. and Schul, Y. (1995). The influence of quantity of information and valence framing on decision. Acta Psychologica, 89, 23-36 .

Weber, Y., Ganzach, Y. and Biniamini, H. (1995). Integrating and preserving a different culture after acquisition. International Journal of Conflict Management, Vol 6 (2).

Ganzach, Y. (1995). Attribute scatter and decision outcome: Judgment versus choice. Organizational Behavior an Human Decision Processes, 62, 113-123. 

Ganzach, Y. and Czaczkes, B. (1995). On detecting nonlinear noncompensatory judgment strategies: Comparison of alternative regression models. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 61, 168-177.

Schul, Y. and Ganzach, Y. (1995). The effect of accessibility of standards and decision frame on product evaluation. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 4, 61-83.

Ganzach, Y. and Karshai, N. (1995). Message framing and buying behavior: A field experiment. Journal of Business Research, 32, 11-17.

Ganzach, Y. (1994). Inconsistency and uncertainty in multi-attribute judgment of human performance. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 7, 193-211.

Ganzach, Y. (1994). Feedback representation and prediction strategies. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 59, 391-349.

Ganzach, Y. (1994). Theory and configurality in expert and layperson judgment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 79, 439-448.

Ganzach, Y. (1993). Predictor representation and prediction strategies. Organizational Behavior an Human Decision Processes, 56, 190-212.

Ganzach, Y. (1993). Goals as determinants of nonlinear noncompensatory judgment strategies. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 56, 422-440. 

Ganzach, Y. (1993). Frequency of purchase and the prediction of buying behavior in direct mail. Journal of Direct Marketing, 7, 7-15.

Ganzach, Y. (1992). Assessing similarity relationships among noncomparable direct mail products from direct mail databases. Journal of Direct Marketing, 6, 11-21.

Ganzach, Y. and Krantz, D. H. (1991). The psychology of moderate prediction: II. Leniency and uncertainty.  Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 48, 169-192. 

Ganzach, Y. and  Krantz, D. H. (1990). The psychology of moderate prediction: I. Experience with multiple determination. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 47, 177-204.

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