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Dr. Berkman Omer
Fields of Research
Dr. Berkman Omer
School of Computer Science


Short Bio

Dr. Omer Berkman is a faculty in the Academic College of Tel Aviv Yaffo since

1995. He received his Ph.D. in 1991 from Tel Aviv university. His Ph.D. work

centered on the design and analysis of extremely fast parallel algorithms in diverse

areas such as comparison-based problems, VLSI design and computational geometry.

From 1991 to 1993 Omer served in the faculty of King's College London and did

some work on string matching algorithms. In 1993 Omer joined Algorithmic Research

Israel (ARX) where he worked full time until 1995 and as a consultant for another 12

years. In ARX Omer designed, developed and analyzed security products and

protocols and did research work on tracing traitors in broadcasting services and on the

banking PIN standard. During the years 2010-2012, Omer was a visiting Scientist in

Google (NYC office) where he developed a new protocol for mitigating Man-in-the-

Middle attacks as well as a prototype for a stronger password reset mechanism. In

addition to parallel algorithms, security and string matching, Omer's research touches

Turing machines, systems biology and corporate governance.

Selected Publications

Journal Articles

1. The impact of audit committee expertise on auditor resources: the case of

Israel, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 55:579–603, 2020

(with Shlomith D. Zuta).

2. Reconsidering the mandate of the audit committee: evidence from corporate

governance in Israel, International Corporate Governance and Regulation

(Advances in Financial Economics Series), 20:187-207, 2018 (with Shlomith

D. Zuta).

3. Regulatory On/Off Minimization of Metabolic Flux Changes After Genetic

Perturbations, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS),

102: 7695-7700, 2005 (with Tomer Shlomi and Eytan Ruppin).

4. Element distinctness on one-tape Turing machines, Acta Informatica 40, 2:81-

94, 2003 (with Amir M. Ben-Amram and Holger Petersen).

5. Efficient dynamic traitor tracing, SIAM Journal on Computing 30, 6:1802-

1828, 2001(with Michal Parnas and Jiri Sgall).

6. All cycles are edge magic, Ars Combinatoria, 59:145-151, 2001(with Michal

Parnas and Yehuda Roditty).

7. Triply-logarithmic upper and lower bounds for minimum, range minima, and

related problems with integer inputs, J. Algorithms 23:197-215, 1998 (with

Yossi Matias and Prabhakar Ragde).

8. A Fast parallel algorithm for finding the convex hull of a sorted point set,

International Computational Geometry and Applications, 6:231-241, 1996

(with B. Schieber and U. Vishkin).

9. The subtree max gap problem with application to parallel string covering,

Information and Computation 123:1, 127-137, 1995 (with Costas S. Iliopoulos

and Kunsoo Park).

10. Fast parallel algorithms for minimum and related problems with small integer

inputs, Parallel Processing Letters 5, 2:223-230, 1995 (with Yossi Matias).

11. Almost fully parallel parentheses matching, Discrete Applied Mathematics,

57:11-28, 1995 (with Uzi Vishkin).

12. Top-bottom routing around a rectangle is as easy as computing prefix minima,

SIAM J. Computing 23:449-465, 1994 (with Joseph JaJa, Sridhar

Krishnamurthy, Ramakrishna Thurimella and Uzi Vishkin).

13. Randomized range-maxima in nearly constant parallel time, J. Computational

Complexity 2:350-373, 1992 (with Yossi Matias and Uzi Vishkin).

14. Finding level-ancestors in trees, J. Computer and System Sciences, 48:214-

230, 1994 (with Uzi Vishkin).

15. Recursive star-tree parallel data structure, SIAM J. Computing, 22:221-242,

1993 (with Uzi Vishkin).

16. On parallel integer merging, Information and Computation 106:266-285, 1993

(with Uzi Vishkin).

17. Optimal doubly logarithmic parallel algorithms based on finding all nearest

smaller values. J. Algorithms 14:344 - 370 (1993) (with Baruch Schieber and

Uzi Vishkin).

Refereed Conference Presentations

18. The Impact of Audit Committee Size and Composition on Negative Events in

the Life of a Company: The Case of Israel, in the 26th European Financial

Management Association (EFMA) conference, 2017 (with Shlomith Zuta).

19. Bidirectional Vouching for Trusted Handshakes: How to Keep your Server on

a Leash, in Proc. 11th International Conference on Cryptology and Network

Security (CANS 2012), 2012 (with Benny Pinkas and Moti Yung).

20. Mitigating Emerging Man-in-the-Middle Attacks with Wireless Hardware

Tokens, in Proc. 10th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and

Network Security (ACNS '12), 2012 (with Assaf Ben-David, Yossi Matias,

Sarvar Patel, Cem Paya and Moti Yung).

21. The unbearable lightness of PIN cracking, in Proc. 11th International

Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC), 2007 (with

Odelia Moshe Ostrovsky).

22. Constraint based modeling of perturbed organisms: A ROOM for

improvement, 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems for

Molecular Biology (ISMB), 2004 (with Tomer Shlomi and Eytan Ruppin).

23. Efficient dynamic traitor tracing, in ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete

Algorithms, 2000 (with Michal Parnas and Jiri Sgall).

24. On the power of randomization for the Common PRAM, in Proc. 3rd Israel

Symp, On Theory of Computing and Systems, 1995 (with Yossi Matias and

Philip B. Gibbons).

25. Fast parallel algorithms for minimum and related problems with small integer

inputs IPPS, 1995 (with Yossi Matias).

26. The subtree max gap problem with application to parallel string covering, in

Proc. 5th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 1994 (with Costas S.

Iliopoulos and Kunsoo Park).

27. Triply-logarithmic upper and lower bounds for minimum, range minima, and

related problems with integer inputs, in Proc. 3rd Workshop on Algorithms and

Data Structures, Springer LNCS 709, 1993 (with Yossi Matias and Prabhakar


28. Randomized range-maxima in nearly constant parallel time, in Proc. 3rd

International Symposium on Algorithms & Computation, 1992 (with Yossi

Matias and Uzi Vishkin).

29. Some triply logarithmic parallel algorithms, in Proc. 31st IEEE Symp. on

Foundation of Computer Science, pp. 871-881, 1990 (with Joseph JaJa Sridhar

Krishnamurthy, Ramakrishna Thurimella and Uzi Vishkin).

30. Recursive star-tree parallel data structure, in Proc. 30th IEEE Symp on

Foundation of Computer Science, pp. 196-202, 1989 (with Uzi Vishkin).

31. Highly parallelizable problems, in Proc. 21st ACM Symp. on Theory of

Computing, pp. 309-319, 1989 (with Dany Breslauer, Zvi Galil, Baruch

Schieber and Uzi Vishkin).

In preparation

Does effort pay off? Evidence from internal audit in Israel (with Shlomith Zuta).


1. Privacy preserving knowledge and factor possession tests for persistent

authentication, Patent number: 8949960, Filed: March 15, 2013 (with Moti


2. User Authentication method, Patent number: 8838973, Filed: February 28,

2012 (with Moti Yung).

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