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Dr. Merimovich Carmi
Fields of Research
Dr. Merimovich Carmi
School of Computer Science
  • Set Theory

Short Bio

Dr. Merimovich MSc and PhD degrees are from the Mathematics Sschool of Tel-Aviv Univeristy, supervised by Moti Gitik. His MSc thesis dealt with the power function on the first ω+1 cardinals. His Ph.d. thesis dealt with the power function on all cardinals. Thus He is formally a set theorist, thus a kind of logician.

There is an on going debate if he is a programmer with a logic problem or a logician with a programming problem.

As far as programming is concerned, his favorite type is bare-metal programming. iI.e., programming working directly with the hardware without a kernel or libraries working in the middle. His second favorite type is kernel level programming, by which he means the part of the kernel dealing with the hardware, thus leaving him close enough to his favorite type.

Selected Publications

  1. (with Moti Gitik) Some applications of supercompact Extender Based Radin Forcing to HOD. Journal of Symbolic Logic, volume 83 issue 2 pages 461-476, June 2018. local

  2. Supercompact Extender Based Magidor Radin Forcing. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, volume 168 number 8 pages 1571-1587, August 2017. local

  3. Supercompact extender based Prikry forcing. Archive for Mathematical Logic, volume 50 number 5-6 pages 591-602, June 2011. local

  4. Extender based Magidor-Radin forcing. Israel Journal of Mathematics, volume 182 number 1 pages 439-480, April 2011. local

  5. The short extenders gap three forcing notion using a morass. Archiv for Mathematical Logic, volume 50 number 1-2 pages 115-135, January 2011. local

  6. The short extenders gap two forcing is of Prikry type. Archiv for Mathematical Logic, volume 48 number 8 pages 737-747, December 2009. local

  7. Prikry on Extenders, Revisited. Israel Journal of Mathematics, volume 160 issue 2 pages 253-280, August 2007. local

  8. A Power Function with a Fixed Finite Gap. The Journal of Symbolic Logic, volume 72 issue 2 pages 361-417, June 2007. local

  9. (with Moti Gitik) Power Function on Stationary Classes. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, volume 140 issue 1-3 pages 75-103, July 2006. local

  10. Extender Based Radin Forcing. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, volume 355 pages 1729-1772, January 2003. local

  11. (with Moti Gitik) Possible values for 2ℵn and 2ℵω. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, volume 90 issue 1-3 pages 193-241, December 1997.

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