Dr. Aspir Tal
Fields of Research

School of Information Systems

Projects Management; Agile; Innovation
Information Technology; Information Systems
Digital Transformation; Software Development
Knowledge Management
Digital Marketing; New Technologies
Startups; IT/IS Management
Short Bio
Partner and a manager in one of the leading consultant group in Israel in the area of Information Systems, Technology and Project management. Consultant to CEOs, CIOs in the leading firms, and government offices in Israel. He Manages some of the strategic projects in Israel for the Prime minister office, Ministry of finance, IDF, and other organization. Work with the leading IT suppliers in Israel and the world and have a wide network of connections with decision-makers in the IT industry.
In addition to that, until recently Dr. Aspir was the president and chairman of the Israeli chapter of the PMI. He managed the local chapter of the PMI and worked with the other chapters around the world in order to develop the profession and methodology of projects management.
Dr. Tal Aspir is a senior lecturer in the School of Economics and Management at Tel Aviv Jaffa Academic College from 2011. Dr. Aspir gives lectures at the area of Information Systems, Technology, Innovation, Digital Transformation, and Projects management.
Selected Publications
Aspir, T., Gafni, R. & Gordoni, G. (2019). The Israeli CIO's Journey - From Insourcing to Outsourcing and Back. Israel Affairs, special issue on Management and Managers in Israel. doi: 10.1080/13537121.2019.1593656
Tal Aspir "CMS – Content Management Systems, History and Future Trends", People and Computer, Daily Maily 4127, January 2006.
Tal Aspir, "The Way to Success at Software Development Project" Status Magazine, June 2001.