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Dr. Calipha Rachel
Fields of Research
Dr. Calipha Rachel
School of Management & Economics
  • Mergers and Acquistions

  • Firm Performance

  • Nonprofit Organizations

  • Third Sector

  • Prediction Markets

  • Social Bonds

Short Bio

Serves as the Head of Capital Market Specialty in the BA program of Economics and Management, as well as the Head of Strategy Specialty in the MBA program. Dr. Calipha teaches the courses in Mergers and Acquisitions, Portfolio Management, Firm Valuation, and Financial Crises. Additionally, she teaches in the Faculty of Management at Ben-Gurion University. Prior to this position, she taught as a visiting professor at Yeshiva University, New York, where she received a Professor of the Year award. Dr. Calipha received her Ph.D. in management from the School of Business, Ben-Gurion University. Rachel's main research field is Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As), specifically from the Financial and Strategic perspectives. Recently, Dr. Calipha received an Edmond de Rothchild Foundation grant for her research in Mergers in Non-Profit Organizations. In addition to M&As, Dr. Calipha explored other fields in Finance, such as prediction markets, and she received an Edmond de Rothchild Foundation grant for developing an online course in Social Bonds. Dr. Calipha is a committee member in a biannual international conference of Behavioral Finance, and the organizer of a case study competition in the Academic College of Tel-Aviv Yaffo.

Selected Publications

  1. Calipha, A. R., and I. Venezia, Prediction Markets: do they predict the polls or the elections result? in Venezia, I. (Ed.) Behavioral Finance: A Novel Approach, forthcoming, 2020. World Scientific Publishers, London.

  2. Calipha, A. R., & Gidron, B., "The Israeli Nonprofit Sector: A literature Review", Voluntaristics Review, 2020, forthcoming issue 5.3.

  3. Calipha, A.R., & Brock, D.M., “The Pre-M&A stage: Understanding the phases and success factors”, 2019, Journal of Intercultural Management and Ethics, 4, 13-34.

  4. Calipha, A.R., Brock, D.M., Rosenfeld, A., & Dvir, D. “Acquired, transferred and integrated knowledge: A study of M&A knowledge performance”, 2018, Journal of Strategy and Management, 11, 282-305.

  5. Calipha, A.R., Tarba, S.Y., & Brock, D.M., “Mergers and acquisitions: a review of phases, motives, and success factors, 2010, ” Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions, 9, 1–25.

Case Studies

1. Engelberg M, Calipha, A. R., & Holzmann, V., April, 2020, Case Study Analysis of Social Bonds, The

Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo and SFI

2. Calipha, A. R., & Holzmann, V., May 2019, Case Study Analysis of Innovation Strategy in Ness

Technologies’ Outsourcing Services, The Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo

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