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Dr. Moshe Sulamy
Fields of Research
Dr. Moshe Sulamy
School of Computer Science

Distributed computing

Concurrent / multiprocessor programming

Concurrent data structures

Game theoretic distributed computing

Short Bio

Moshe Sulamy is a faculty member at the Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo in the Computer Science department.

He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Tel-Aviv University, supervised by Prof. Yehuda Afek.

His main research interests are distributed computing, multiprocessor programming and concurrent data structures, and the integration of distributed computing with game theory and biology.

Selected Publications

- Y. Afek, I. Harel, A. Jacob-Fanani, M. Sulamy, "Consensus in Equilibrium: Can One Against All Decide Fairly?", OPODIS 2019, Neuchatel, Switzerland.

- Y. Afek, S. Rafaeli, M. Sulamy, "The Role of A-priori Information in Networks of Rational Agents", DISC 2018, New Orleans, Louisiana USA.

- D. Bank, M. Sulamy, E. Waserman, "Reaching Distributed Equilibrium with Limited ID Space", SIROCCO 2018, Ma'ale HaHamisha, Israel.

- D. Basin, E. Bortnikov, A. Braginsky, G. Golan Gueta, E. Hillel, I. Keidar, M. Sulamy, "KiWi: A Key-Value Map for Scalable Real-Time Analytics", PPoPP 2017, Austin, Texas USA.

- Y. Afek, Y. Ginzberg, S. Landau Feibish, M. Sulamy, "Distributed Computing Building Blocks for Rational Agents", PODC 2014, Paris, France.

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