Prof. Nudelman Gabriel
Fields of Research

School of Behavioral Sciences

Health Psychology
Health Behaviors
Network Analysis
Justice Research
Short Bio
Dr. Nudelman completed his B.Sc. in Computer Science and Psychology (magna cum laude) and M.A. in Social Psychology (summa cum laude) at Tel-Aviv University. He taught statistics and research methods for undergraduate and graduate students at various academic institutions for a decade.
Gabriel completed his Ph.D. and post-doctoral training at Tel-Aviv University, specializing in the fields of Health Psychology and Justice Research, and received several awards, such as the Wolf Foundation Scholarship, the International Society for Justice Research Travel Award, and numerous Excellence Scholarships from Tel-Aviv University.
He was awarded the Minerva Fellowship and was a Research Fellow at Philipps University of Marburg. Gabriel joined the Psychology Department at The Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo in 2018.
Selected Publications
Nudelman, G., & Asban, S. (2022). Patterns of health lifestyle behaviors: Findings from a representative sample of Israel. BMC Public Health, 22, 2099.
Shiloh, S., Peleg, S., & Nudelman, G. (2022). Investigation of the correspondence principle with regard to specific and general COVID-19 behaviors. Social and Personality Psychology Compass. Advance online publication.
Hanalis-Miller, T., Nudelman, G., Ben-Eliyahu, S., & Jacoby, R (2022). The Effect of Preoperative Psychological Interventions on Psychological, Physiological, and Immunological Indices in Oncology Patients: A Scoping Review. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 839065.
Cheng, Y., Nudelman, G., Ma, J., & Otto, K., (2022). Conceptualization and Measurement of Effort- and Valence-Based Just World Beliefs. European Journal of Psychological Assessment. Advance online publication.
Shiloh, S., Peleg, S., & Nudelman, G. (2022). Core self-evaluations as resilience and risk factors of psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychology, Health & Medicine. Advance online publication.
Nudelman, G., Kamble, S., & Otto, K. (2022). Using Protection Motivation Theory to Predict Adherence to COVID-19 Behavioral Guidelines. Behavioral Medicine. Advance online publication.
Shiloh, S., Peleg, S., & Nudelman, G. (2022). Vaccination against COVID-19: A longitudinal trans-theoretical study to determine factors that predict intentions and behavior. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 56(4), 357–367.
Peleg, S., Nudelman, G., & Shiloh, S., (2022). COVID-19 state anxiety of older adults: Effects of defensive information processes. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 35(1), 111-123.
Shiloh, S., Peleg, S., & Nudelman, G. (2021). Adherence to COVID-19 protective behaviors: A matter of cognition or emotion? Health Psychology, 40(7), 419–427.
Nudelman, G., Kamble, S. V., & Otto, K. (2021). Can personality traits predict depression during the COVID-19 pandemic? Social Justice Research, 34, 218–234.
Peleg, S., & Nudelman, G. (2021). Associations between self-rated health and depressive symptoms among older adults: Does age matter? Social Science & Medicine, 280, 114024.
Shiloh, S., Peleg, S., & Nudelman, G. (2021). Making sense of COVID-19: a longitudinal investigation of the initial stages of developing illness representations, Psychology & Health,
Nudelman, G., Peleg, S. & Shiloh, S. (2021). The association between healthy lifestyle behaviours and coronavirus protective behaviours. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 28, 779–787.
Nudelman, G., & Otto, K. (2021). Personal Belief in a Just World and Conscientiousness: A meta‐analysis, facet‐level examination, and mediation model. British Journal of Psychology, 112, 92-119.
Nudelman, G., & Otto, K. (2020). The development of a new risk of bias measure for meta-analyses of surveys. Methodology: European Journal of Research Methods for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, 16(4), 278–298.
Shiloh, S., & Nudelman, G. (2020). Exploring dimensions of health behaviors’ representations. Psychology & Health, 35, 1017-1032.
Cheng, Y., Nudelman, G., Otto., K., & Ma, J. (2020). Belief in a just world and employee voice behavior: The mediating roles of perceived efficacy and risk. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 154(2), 129-143.
Nudelman, G., & Ivanova, E. (2020). The Relationship between Frequency of Performance and Perceived Importance of Health Behaviours. Journal of Health Psychology, 25, 1692-1706.
Nudelman, G., Kalish, Y., & Shiloh, S. (2019). The centrality of health behaviours: A network analytic approach. British Journal of Health Psychology, 24, 215-236.
Nudelman, G., & Shiloh, S. (2018). Connectionism and behavioral clusters: Differential patterns in predicting expectations to engage in health behaviors. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 52, 890-901.
Nudelman, G., & Nadler, A. (2017). The effect of apology on forgiveness: Belief in a just world as a moderator. Personality & Individual differences, 116, 191-200.
Nudelman, G., & Shiloh, S. (2016). Understanding behavioral clusters: Identifying differences between clusters of health behaviors on key constructs. Psychology & Health, 31(12), 1375-1390.
Nudelman, G., Otto, K., & Dalbert, C. (2016). Can Belief in a Just World Buffer Mood and Career Prospects of People in Need of Risk Protection? First Experimental Evidence. Risk Analysis: An International Journal, 36(12), 2247-2257.
Wu, M. S., Pan, X., Wang, P., Li, H., & Nudelman, G. (2016). Measurement bias in justice motive research: A meta-analysis of belief in a just world among Chinese [in Chinese]. Chinese Social Psychology Review, 11, 170-186.
Nudelman, G., & Shiloh, S. (2015). Mapping health behaviors: Creating and validating a common-sense taxonomy of health behaviors. Social Science & Medicine, 146, 1-10.
Nudelman, G. (2014). Meta analysis: The five factor model of personality and the belief in a just world. In SAGE Research Methods Cases. London, United Kingdom: SAGE Publications, Ltd.
Nudelman, G. (2013). The belief in a just world and personality: A meta-analysis. Social Justice Research, 26(2), 105-119.
Nudelman, G., & Shiloh, S. (2011). Who deserves to be sick? An exploration of the relationships between belief in a just world, illness causal attributions and their fairness judgements. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 16(6), 675-685.