Individual Stress Response Patterns: Are All One of a Kind?
Conducted by:
Prof. Rebecca Jacoby, Prof. Gil Goldzweig / School of Behavioral Science
Stress responses have long been known to effect a wide range of negative outcomes, mental and physical. Few measures were developed in order to measure stress responses. Stress responses can be divided into 4 categories as follows: physiological, emotional, cognitive and behavioral. Accordingly, various psycho-physiological interventions were developed in order to reduce the negative effects of stress responses. However, clinically, these interventions not always fit the response category exhibited by the person and, sometimes there is a confusion between responses and coping.
The current study, aimed at developing a new stress response measure, which includes items representing these four types of responses, to enable the identification of individual response patterns. Additionally, relations between these patterns and coping strategies were examined in order to test associations between both.